Portrait of Stoyan Shukerov



2019 BS in Computer Science California Polytechnic State University San Luis Obispo


Code Languages

  • Ruby
  • JavaScript
  • Go
  • Python
  • C/C++
  • SQL


  • Git
  • Linux
  • Docker
  • Ansible
  • Kafka
  • Ruby on Rails
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Bootstrap
  • Tailwind
  • Webpack
  • ElasticSearch
  • Sidekiq
  • PostgreSQL
  • Middleman
  • Netlify
  • Websockets


  • VIM
  • Figma
  • Photoshop
  • JIRA
  • Asana
  • DataDog
  • Sentry
  • Microsoft Office


  • Bulgarian Flag Bulgarian (native)
  • US Flag English (fluent)

Soft Skills

  • Communication
  • Adaptability
  • Listening
  • Tech Writing


  • Photography
  • Cars/Motorcycles
  • Music
  • Keyboards
  • Surfing
  • Hiking

Stoyan Shukerov

Software Engineer

Very resourceful, self-managing software engineer specialising in web development. Comfortable writing both front-end and back-end code. Have over 10 years of coding experience, 6 of which were spent developing various Ruby on Rails applications. Fast learner, who enjoys challenging problems. I care about code quality, test coverage, maintainability and end user experience. I am passionate about enabling others with technology, wether that is my coworkers, friends or customers. I always strive to be a pleasure to work with!

TEKSystems at Apple Full Stack Web Developer
Remote San Jose, CA September 2021 - February 2023
  • Greenfield Projects: played a key role in implementing a new highly integrated application that aided trade in operations. Reduced shipment to wrong vendors to 0%.
  • UI/UX: led efforts in user friendly, mobile responsive UI. The UI/UX was designed in a way that enables users to interact with UI quickly via barcode scanners.
  • Architecture Design: participated in business requirements meetings, aided and influenced the architectural decisions.
  • API Integration: integrated with third party apps, one of which was facilitating high stake metal price calculations.
ApexSystems at Apple Full Stack Web Developer
Remote San Jose, CA July 2020 - September 2021
  • Testing: increased test coverage for highly executed and untested parts of a large monolith application, using RSpec and FactoryBot.
  • Rails Upgrade: upgraded a Rails application from version 5.0 to 6.0.
  • Legacy code refactor: refactored warehouse system naming inventory naming process, among many other refactors.
  • Reporting: prepared multiple complex reports for various highly visible statistics, and business operation decisions.
  • Support: supported international application and business operations. Debugged and maintained b2b integrations.
  • Cycle Count: implemented and lead the efforts in creating a tool to cycle count large warehouse inventories. Developed, tested, and released the feature within 2 months of start date.
  • API Implementation: implemented an API, and integrated two internal Ruby on Rails applications. The communication between the two apps is fault safe, and self recovering on failures.
Beesbot Full Stack Web Developer
Santa Rosa, CA May 2016 - July 2020
  • Process Automation: Designed and implemented a web system to automate an order fulfillment process.
  • API Integration: Built a Ruby on Rails application that integrates and syncs data from three third-party APIs. Generated detailed analysis of the consumed data.
  • Data Migration: Migrated old customer data from Google Sheets to new system. On another occasion removed Postgres Database dependencies and migrated to MySQL.
  • Team Work: Actively participated in agile, test-driven software development & deployment.
  • Inventory Management: Aided in the backend design of an inventory management system. Implemented advanced analytics using ElasticSearch.
Phil Jobson Consulting Junior Engineer
Santa Rosa, CA January 2016 - July 2017
  • Embedded Systems Software: Wrote C firmware to control and interface with two prototype devices. One of them included a Bluetooth communication with an iPad.
  • GUI design: Designed and implemented GUIs for two prototype devices. iPad techBasic GUI, and a LCD screen GUI.
  • Workflow: Cut down workflow of PCB design by 50%, by writing a Python script to translate Microwave office DXF exports to KiCad files.