Setting up Sublime, the Way I Like It!

Stoyan Shukerov
- October 1, 2018

In this blog post I will go over how I set up Sublime Text 3 for development this includes: installation instructions, making Sublime the default text editor, some handy Sublime packages, and a shortcuts list.

Sublime has been the text editor I have been using for at least 2 years now, and it has always got the job done. While I am very happy with it, I will soon give a shot to VSCode. Why? Its good to change things up, and I hear a lot of good things about VSCode. Also I am getting tired of clicking cancel on the Sublime purchase pop-ups, and $80 is a steep price to pay for a poor college student.

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Installation First

Note that the following installation is for Debian based system. First we add the GPG and add the apt repository. Open up your Terminal (Ctrl + Alt + T) and type:

wget -qO - | sudo apt-key add -

Add the stable apt repository:

echo "deb apt/stable/" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/sublime-text.list

Update your apt sources and install Sublime Text

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install sublime-text

You should now have successfully installed Sublime!

Sublime Default TE

If Sublime was installed correctly then the following command should succeed.

ls /usr/share/applications/sublime_text.desktop

We can then proceed by opening the default applications list and replacing every instance of gedit with sublime-text. Since we now have Sublime installed, I suggest we give it a quick spin:

subl /usr/share/applications/defaults.list

and then hit Ctrl + H. Type in gedit, and then hit Ctrl + Alt + Enter. Scroll through the file to make sure our global replace went smoothly and then hit Ctrl + S to save the file (you will be prompted for your su password).

My Favorite Packages

Here is a list of some of my frequently used packages:

  • GitGutter – shows information about files in a git repository.
  • EditorConfig – helps maintain consistent coding styles between different editors, and projects
  • Side​Bar​Enhancements – provides enhancements to sidebar operations. Very useful for copying paths, opening files in file explorer etc.
  • MaxPane – quickly maximization of a pane in a multi pane layout. Simply hit Ctrl + Shift + Enter to maximize and again to minimize a given pane.
  • Pretty JSON – formats JSON nicely, can also be used for validating it. I believe it works well with XML files as well.
  • Insert Nums – amazing productivity tool, that helps you insert number sequences. Select multiple rows and then hit Ctrl + Alt + N to see this package work its magic.
  • A File Icon - this package I use for mainly because it makes Sublime a lot prettier, but it also helps locate files faster in the side bar.
  • Boxy Theme – the current theme I use is the Boxy Tomorrow. But this package lets you choose between several themes. I strongly recommend you check out the link and tweak the theme to your liking.

Below you can see a picture of the final result. Sublime Screenshot

Shortcuts Cheatsheet

  • Ctrl + D – Make a selection and then press combo to grab next occurrence of the given selection.
  • Ctrl + K – Ignores the current selection after Ctrl + D (this lets you skip certain occurrences).
  • Ctrl + H – Replace Things.
  • Ctrl + K + B – Hide sidebar hotkey, awesome when all you want to see is code!.
  • Ctrl + K + U – Convert Selection to upper case.
  • Ctrl + K + L – Convert Selection to lower case.
  • Ctrl + Shift + F – Replace or Find Across multiple files.
  • Alt + Shift – Extend Cursor.
  • Alt + <Number> – Select a tab, where number corresponds to the tab you want to open.
  • Shift + Alt + <Number> – Split sublime into of work panes.
  • Shift + Alt + Enter – Maximize focus work pane (shortcut from MaxPane package).
  • Ctrl + <Number> – Select a working pane.
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