Vim Things

I have taken up the challenge to be better at Vim. I love Vim, and the productivity boost it has given me. It honestly just gets me excited about writing code every day. Taking up Vim however also means that I am taking up the challenge to endlessly configure and tweak it. This blog post is by no means a comprehensive guide or anything like that, it is more of a place where I dump vim commands, and tricks I found useful at some point.

Storing and Maintaining Dotfiles

I have been looking for a way to store my dotfiles for some time now. The ideal solution was supposed to be simple, elegant, easy to implement and flexible. I finally came across such a solution, it is the setup that SneakyCobra had on HackerNews, you can read his post here. The only prerequisite is some basic git knowledge, and optionally a little bit of shell scripting experience. This method of storing dotfiles consists of a bare git repository that lives in your home folder and a git alias that runs commands against that specific git repository.

Setting up Sublime, the Way I Like It!

In this blog post I will go over how I set up Sublime Text 3 for development this includes: installation instructions, making Sublime the default text editor, some handy Sublime packages, and a shortcuts list. Sublime has been the text editor I have been using for at least 2 years now, and it has always got the job done. While I am very happy with it, I will soon give a shot to VSCode.

Ruby Development Ubuntu 18.04

This blog post will cover how to set up ruby with rbenv to manage versions in bash on Ubuntu. Note that this also works for the Ubuntu subsystem provided on windows. By installing rbenv you will be able to have application-specific Ruby versions. You will be able to quickly switch between them, and avoid a messy ruby environment. Another popular solution to the same problems is rvm. Before we get started I would like to note that the source for this blogpost is the rbenv github repository.